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For The Birds

Laurie Jones-Canta

June 2022


June! Summer solstice! Longest day! Six months into 2022. Well, it’s here on the calendar but the weather speaks of cool, grey, rainy days in my world. This time last year we were running our air conditioner all day long!

Shrine, temple, bricks, tree roots, overgrown plants, fallen leaves

The garden grows like the tropics but I am always elated to see my bright pink, peony tree bloom once again, with 13 dinner-plate sized, lacy performers. Everything is so green presenting ‘calm.’ To my surprise a sweet little chickadee took up a completely disguised residence in my hanging geranium plant. I was wondering how all the moss got in the pot… I'm cautious when watering. Her flight is my daily delight.

Each day routinely I take this ‘walk-about’ before diving into creative work… inspirations seem to be all about birds. I continue to relief carve a crow for myself which is a slow process. I completed a pelican from bark which sold to a friend and I continue to work on another out of basswood – the wood is harder and calls for patience while chipping away. A small version of a bard owl appeared out of bark a week ago – now painted with acrylics.

(scroll right)

The work on birds keeps me nimble for the work on commissions:a beautiful replica of a friend’s home in Qualicum, The Burrard House in Port Moody & The Station House in Hope, BC. I will photograph these once they are completed.

June 27th, ON THE EDGE Exhibition opens at Federation Gallery at Granville Island, Vancouver, displaying my largest carving piece, “The Towersuntil July 17th. I'm excited to be part of the display again this year, because with most Covid restrictions lifted, our tourist destinations have come alive with people visiting again. Last year “The Owlery” sold the first day and went to its new home on Pender Island. You might want to visit in person!

July-August brings 8 weeks of display for carvers at Dogwood Centre in Coquitlam where a dedicated group presently occupies the woodshop three afternoons a week. Also Blackberry Artist’s Society members will be displaying for 8 weeks July-August in Port Moody City Hall. Look for art fairs and festivals – plein air groups return to the great outdoors. Locals have many opportunities to see and support local artists. Will we see you there?


Photo courtesy: baldeaglebluff


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