Oct 2022
Here it comes; the long shadows of Fall Equinox, shorter days, fiery flaming leaves, harvest moon, black waters, craggy branches, and wild wind.

Unlike previous cycles, we wait on dark, heavy clouds hoping for rain. Our eyes are to the skies.
In that inky darkness, passing in front of 'The Big Dipper' constellation, we witnessed, for the first time, the long, rhythmical formation of the ‘satellite train,’ losing count at 50! No nyctophobia here. Give it time and space, eyes adjust to the dark of night and wonder appears. Darkness serves to give definition to the light. My favourite sight is the silhouette of evergreens against the sunset... but this year we captured a photo of the 'Hunter’s Moon,' setting at 6:00 am, with thoughts of Van Morrison’s “Into the Mystic.”

That bright descent brings thoughts of the successes and celebrations of 2022 so far;
Federation of Canadian Artists bestowing Honourable Mention for “The Towers” carving in the ON THE EDGE Exhibition at Federation Gallery in August.
It was the first time entering Harmony Arts Festival in West Vancouver where “Bergen, Norway” was sold and welcomed into someone’s home.
A third opportunity, considered lucky, is the invitation to Hope Arts Gallery Backroom Exhibit with painter, Holly Smith’s “Trees, Glorious Trees” for October.
Currently, from my studio, birds and creatures have been surfacing through the cottonwood bark and woodcuts, calling forth ancient, symbolic imagery. Owls are appearing, and sounding out, to many of my fans and followers. My creative soul beckons to create and make elements of nature tangible.
“What I wish to make, wishes me to make it.”
Caricatures are appearing, weaving a fable, bringing forth the story, a conscious loving tale. I sincerely hope you enjoy "Humpty Dumpty," "Gone Fishin'," "Snail's Pace," and more. These carvings pull me forward with great intensity. Whatever does not work, becomes compost in a way, broken down in its elements, to return with new vitality. Like good soil it becomes a next endeavour. Harvest time, for me, symbolizes prepping soil for optimal growth. Not a crop is left to “die on the vine” or it may invoke a time to call it done. It’s a time of paradox where, as artists, we embrace our dichotomy. Contradiction can breathe life into creative situations; turning things upside down for a new perspective, or trying the “wrong” approach can reveal new outcomes. Join me in the process as it unfolds, calling on the sacred rebel to explore the fringes. “Knives Out.”
Photo courtesy: @in.the.west