November 2021
With the wind howling and leaves tumbling down, it indicates the gradual closing of another year, battling COVID around the globe… a Virus with staying power and gumption to challenge our collective strength in our personal health convictions–long live our creative spirit, everyone! My saviour, like for many others, is my ART.

I decided to count the carvings for 2021, large and small, and the sum of my efforts is 57 with two and a half months to go! Most have sold and gone to their forever homes. My hands never tire and I draw inspiration from the many artists on social media sharing their work. To great relief, our community woodshop finally opened and classes are running once again!
I have unfinished work: The Sun and The Crow to complete?! Commissions continue to pour in: Maritime images, children’s nightlights – all delightful to create!
The Owlery was chosen to be in On The Edge Exhibit in August, with Federation of Canadian Artists at Federation Gallery on Granville Island, and sold the very first day to a wonderful artist named Robin Timms from Pender Island and was featured in their catalogue.
Art-4-Life Exhibit at Port Moody Art Gallery came to a close end of October. I had six pieces on display showing my work in Assemblage Art, diorama shadow boxes and carvings for the Young and the Young at Heart. The pieces curated are meant to depict a life of art inspiring a viewing, participating audience of all ages. Unfortunately, the participation element of this exhibit did not happen due to the health restrictions ordered during this pandemic - the opening reception was held on Facebook Live.
During the summer I took part in a Plein Air group through Art Focus of Port Coquitlam to hone my sketching and painting outdoors... After a visit to Opus Art Supply where I bought watercolour pens that helped with the convenience of not having to haul paints and an easel to park locations.
Part of the summer stole away to a giant heat wave rendering me a melted puddle with no energy except for a constant vigil on the province’s wildfire situation. It has since influenced my work with woodcarving wanting to torch it completely black! More of that to come...
Public displays are back up in Libraries, Clubs, Civic centres and City Halls so be sure to check them out.
The much anticipated Christmas Marketplace will be open November 12 – Dec 22 at Blackberry Gift Shop, Port Moody Arts Centre. Please come and greet the artists. See you there!
Photo courtesy: Jonathan Jimenez